Concentration Tracks
J.D. students may elect to specialize in several subject areas after their first year.
Advice about compliance with the elements of the track, including
the possible waiver of specific requirements in exceptional circumstances, is available from
designated faculty advisors.
1. Attend a student advising session
Attend a student advising session in Spring Quarter of 1L year.
2. Consult and make a plan
Consult and make a plan with a faculty advisor prior to 2L Course Selection.
3. Declare a Concentration Track
Fill out the "Declaration" section of the
Concentration Track form, obtain the appropriate faculty signature, and submit it to Academic Services before the end of their second year.
4. Complete requirements
Complete the requirements for the Concentration Track declared, as outlined on the Concentration Track page, with any exceptions
noted and approved on the Concentration Track
5. Record completion
In order to record completion and have a notation made on the transcript, you will need to obtain the signatures of your concentration track advisor in the "Completion" section of the
Concentration Track form and submit to Academic Services, before graduation.
More Information
Information on Concentration Track requirements and advisors is available on each Concentration Track page.