Sample Syllabi

Course Categories

Courses 2023 - 2024

LAW T 526 Federal Tax Clinic

Credits: 2-3, Max 9

A limited number of LL.M. students may participate in the law school’s low-income taxpayer clinic, which represents individual taxpayers in their disputes (both administratively before the IRS and in Tax Court) with the IRS. This course, in which students participate over the length of the full academic year, is offered under the supervision of a clinic director who is an experienced tax and trial attorney. The course begins with an instructional component before evolving into actual representation of taxpayer clients in their disputes. Please note that is mandatory that students take part in the clinic for all three quarters (Au, Wi, and Sp). Pre-/co-requisite: LAW A 530 Individual Income Taxation.

Autumn-Winter-Spring, 3-3-3 Credit(s)

Tax LLM 2-2-2
Course Sections and Instructors
Schumacher, Scott , Ortiz-Vélez, Ramón

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