Sample Syllabi

Course Categories

Courses 2023 - 2024

LAW E 500 Advanced Writing Project

Credits: 1-2, Max 3

Students may earn 1-2 credits for participation in an independent research and writing project (which may be part of a group project) performed under the supervision of a full-time faculty member to satisfy the Advanced Writing Project requirement. The project must involve revision of work begun in a class, externship, or moot court competition. The project will be structured to ensure that the student has experience working on a significant project that develops skills in research, analysis and writing. The project will focus on a topic agreed upon by the student and by the faculty member. Evaluation of student performance will be based upon the paper or papers produced in connection with the project and will be graded. The grade will be included in calculating the student’s grade-point average.

Summer, 1 Credit(s)

1-2 Credits
Course Sections and Instructors

Autumn, 1 Credit(s)

1-2 Credits
Course Sections and Instructors

Winter, 1 Credit(s)

1-2 Credits
Course Sections and Instructors

Spring, 1 Credit(s)

1-2 Credits
Course Sections and Instructors

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