Courses 2023 - 2024
LAW B 522
Mediation Skills Training
Course focuses on a collaborative style of mediation. Through a mix of theory and practice, students learn the skills, tools, and processes used by mediators. Students observe and practice the five steps of the mediation process, through demonstrations and roleplaying. Individual coaches will work with students to hone their skills. The course is conducted over two weekends. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory to receive full credit. This course is subject to the availability of funding and enrollment is limited. Mediation Skills Training is a co-requisite for all students enrolled in the Mediation Clinic and attendance is mandatory.
1 Credit(s)
10/6 1:30-5:30, 10/7,8,14,15 8:30-5:30
Course Sections and Instructors
Instructor(s) |
Cimini, Christine
Quarter |
Instructor |
Schedule - Days, Hour, Room) |
Sec SLN Type |
Grading Type |
Autumn |
A 17436 JD
B 17437 LLM
D 17439 MJ
Room assignments are not posted until 60 days before the start of the quarter and are subject to change without notice.