Courses 2020 - 2021
LAW E 556
International Human Rights Clinic
1-12, Max 12
Clinical training in addressing problems in International Human Rights under the supervision of members of the Law School faculty and in collaboration with the Center for Human Rights in the Jackson School. The seminar component of the course will cover legal issues and practice skills relevant to the specific human right projects assigned in a given year and require reflection on the clinical experience. Students will engage in fieldwork on human rights projects in which they will test, develop and enhance their skills training in the context of real-world human rights practice. This work will involve partnerships with attorneys, human rights organizations, community-based organizations in the U.S. and abroad, international NGOs and solidarity networks, and human rights experts from the US and abroad. Travel to Latin America or other international locations may be required. Co-requisites: Law B596 International Protection of Human Rights; Law LAW E 556, Interdisciplinary International Human Rights Advocacy Seminar, unless waived. Open to second and third-year students. When registering in autumn quarter, students must commit to enrolling in the entire academic year, and will receive credit for the course only upon completion of all three quarters, unless otherwise arranged with the instructor. Offered on a credit/no credit basis. Enrollment limited to 6 law students. Enrollment priorities for clinics apply.
Not offered this academic year.