Courses 2020 - 2021
LAW B 514
Street Law
1-8, Max 8
Introduction to teaching law to nonlawyers. Students either singly or in teams will be assigned to teach a practical law course to high school students. Topics include introduction to the legal system and dispute resolution processes, criminal law, consumer law, torts, family law, housing and individual rights and responsibilities. Law Students attend a weekly two-hour seminar during the Winter Quarter, initially focusing on substantive law areas to be taught, teaching methodology and experiential learning. In the second month, students will be assigned to a high school to teach. The seminar will meet two hours per week during the Spring Quarter. At the end of the Spring Quarter, the high school students will conduct a mock trial and additional classes will be necessary to prepare the high school students for trial. Law students learn federal and Washington law, and develop communication skills necessary for teaching law to nonlawyers (jurors, clients, witnesses, and others). Grades are based on teaching and portfolios consisting of weekly lesson plans, journals, and a final model lesson. Note: Most high school classes begin early in the day. Because students will teach in the high school on a semester basis, students must have the same open block of time available in both Winter and Spring Quarters. Additionally, it is highly recommended that all students taking this course have previously completed any upper division required courses, such as Professional Responsibility. Enrollment limited to 16 students, the exact number contingent on the number of cooperating high schools. Priority will be given to third-year students.
Not offered this academic year.