Courses 2019 - 2020
LAW T 508
U.S. Aspects of International Taxation
5-6, Max 6
Analyzes principles of "inbound" and "outbound" investment in the U.S., including effectively connected income, source of income, tax treaties, treaty shopping, permanent establishments, the mitigation of double taxation, and the treatment of controlled foreign corporations and other multinational enterprises with a U.S. presence.
5 Credit(s)
Course Sections and Instructors
Instructor(s) |
McCormack, Shannon
Quarter |
Instructor |
Schedule - Days, Hour, Room) |
Sec SLN Type |
Grading Type |
Winter |
A 16532 Tax
B 16533 JD
C 22022 Tax
03/16/20 8:30 AM
Room assignments are not posted until 60 days before the start of the quarter and are subject to change without notice.