Sample Syllabi

Course Categories

Courses 2008 - 2009

LAW E 527 Bankruptcy Client Representation Project

Credits: 2, Max 4

The Bankruptcy Client Representation Project offers students an opportunity to represent a low-income client in a consumer Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. This includes client intake and interviewing, preparation of a bankruptcy petition, assistance with credit counseling and attending the 341 creditor/trustee meeting.

We call it a “project” rather than a clinic because its scope is limited to two credits and students work in teams under the supervision of pro bono attorneys. As with a traditional clinic, students attend classroom sessions designed to provide the knowledge, skills, and perspective needed in order to represent their clients effectively.

Winter-Spring - Compressed , 1-1 Credit(s)

Course Sections and Instructors
Kuno, Cynthia

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