Courses 2008 - 2009
LAW B 521
Trial Advocacy II
This course goes deeper into the communication, persuasion and witness examination skills of trial advocacy than the basic course (B520). Class members will work with a fact pattern based on a real case. The course will culminate in a mock bench trial. Weekly sessions will cover strategy, tactics, evidence, use of exhibits and technology. Classes will meet in the evenings either downtown or at the law school. Offered only as a graded course. Prerequisite: B520 Trial Advocacy I.
Winter-Spring - Compressed ,
3-3 Credit(s)
Course Sections and Instructors
Instructor(s) |
Howard, Maureen
Quarter |
Instructor |
Schedule - Days, Hour, Room) |
Sec SLN Type |
Grading Type |
Winter |
Spring Compressed |
Room assignments are not posted until 60 days before the start of the quarter and are subject to change without notice.