Sample Syllabi

Course Categories

Courses 2024 - 2025

LAW E 545 International Trade Law

Credits: 2-4, Max 4

This course introduces the legal framework, policies and jurisprudence of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is designed to give students an overview of the regulation of trade in goods, services and intellectual property that is necessary for international legal practice, as well as provide the policy analysis that will equip students to better understand the trade dimensions of international legal disputes. It is taught as a 2-4 credit (variable) course. No prerequisite is required.

The course is divided into six parts: Part I introduces the main structural characteristics of the WTO. Part II covers procedural issues in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Part III addresses the traditional free trade doctrines: most-favored nation treatment, national treatment, and transparency. Part IV discusses fair trade doctrines: anti-dumping measures, countervailing duties, safeguard measures, and protection of intellectual property. Part V covers trade-related public policy issues, namely, exceptions to the free trade doctrines based on GATT Article XX. Finally, Part VI looks into developing countries and agricultural trade under the Agreement on Agriculture.

Winter, 3 Credit(s)

Course Sections and Instructors
Zang, Dongsheng

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