On-Campus Interviews
Information For Students
UW Law students can find more information about our On-Campus Interview (OCI) and Resume Collection programs
in the Career Development Resource Center in Canvas. If
you have questions, please contact us at lawpath@uw.edu.
Information For Employers
The Center for Career Development offers many opportunities for employers to connect with UW Law students for
summer and post-graduate positions. We encourage you to consider participating in one or more of the programs
listed below.
Winter 2025 On-Campus Interviews
Register to recruit UW Law students during our Winter OCI program through our 12Twenty online portal. OCI registration instructions can be found on the Register tab at the top of this page. Interviews will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
OCI Session
OCI Dates
Registration Deadline
Jan. 23 & 24
Dec. 16
Resume drop dates are listed in the Important Dates for Employers document in the right sidebar.
If you would like to host OCI interviews on a date not listed above, contact uwlawrec@uw.edu.
Winter 2025 Resume Collections
Employers who would prefer to conduct interviews on a different timeline or invite applicants to interview in
person are invited to participate in Resume Collections. Participating in a Resume Collection as part of our
Organized Recruiting Program has many benefits and may increase the number of students viewing and applying
for employment opportunities. Register for a Resume Collection to
receive application materials from all applicants at one time through one of our upcoming sessions.
Resume Collection
Registration Deadline
Submission to Employers
Monday, Dec. 16
Friday, Jan. 17
Monday, Jan. 27
Friday, Feb. 21
Winter 2025 OCI Fee Schedule
1–25 attorneys
26–100 attorneys
101+ attorneys, Accounting Firms and Corporations
Government and Public Interest Organizations
fee waived
First-time OCI Participants
fee waived
Resume Collection Participants
fee waived
Fees are non-refundable. Fee payment can be completed online at our OCI registration fee site. A formal invoice can be produced upon request. Fees are based on the number of attorneys in the entire organization.
Off-Campus Career Fairs
Sponsored by a consortium of private and public employers committed to promoting diversity in the Seattle
legal community.
The Northwest Consortium of Law Schools holds two Public Service Career Fairs each year during the month of
February. Employer registration for this fair opens in early October and closes in December.
Job Announcements
Job announcements for student and attorney positions
are accepted throughout the year.
Post available positions online using
or send an e-mail to
We sincerely appreciate your interest in our students, and we want to make the recruiting process convenient
and effective for you. If you would like additional information about our Organized Recruiting Programs,
please don't hesitate to contact us.